Proficiency Testing Provider Accreditation

(ISO/IEC 17043)

Proficiency Testing Provider Accreditation:

PNAC launched accreditation of PTPs on World Accreditation Day, 9th June 2015 and up till now has accredited 01 PTP. PNAC’s accreditation program for PTPs is designed for providers of proficiency testing schemes who wish to demonstrate their competence by formal compliance with a set of internationally-acceptable requirements for the planning and implementation of proficiency testing programs. The program will also provide users of proficiency testing programs (laboratories, accreditation bodies, regulators, technical assessors, etc.) increased confidence that the programs being relied upon are being operated competently in accordance with specified technical and management system requirements.

Proficiency Testing Provider Accreditation:

PNAC launched accreditation of PTPs on World Accreditation Day, 9th June 2015 and up till now has accredited 01 PTP. PNAC’s accreditation program for PTPs is designed for providers of proficiency testing schemes who wish to demonstrate their competence by formal compliance with a set of internationally-acceptable requirements for the planning and implementation of proficiency testing programs. The program will also provide users of proficiency testing programs (laboratories, accreditation bodies, regulators, technical assessors, etc.) increased confidence that the programs being relied upon are being operated competently in accordance with specified technical and management system requirements.