Halal Certification Bodies Accreditation


Halal Certification Bodies Accreditation:

The Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC) has established the Halal Accreditation Scheme to ensure that Halal products meet international standards of quality and compliance. The scheme provides a framework for accrediting bodies that certify Halal products and services, ensuring they adhere to Islamic dietary laws and global Halal standards. This Accreditation scheme is based on PS 4992 OIC/SMIIC 2.

Key Features of the PNAC Halal Accreditation Scheme:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: The scheme covers a wide range of products and services based on PS 4992 OIC/SMIIC 2, including food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other consumer goods that require Halal certification.

  2. International Standards Compliance: The PNAC Halal Accreditation Scheme ensures that accredited certifying bodies comply wi...

Halal Certification Bodies Accreditation:

The Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC) has established the Halal Accreditation Scheme to ensure that Halal products meet international standards of quality and compliance. The scheme provides a framework for accrediting bodies that certify Halal products and services, ensuring they adhere to Islamic dietary laws and global Halal standards. This Accreditation scheme is based on PS 4992 OIC/SMIIC 2.

Key Features of the PNAC Halal Accreditation Scheme:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: The scheme covers a wide range of products and services based on PS 4992 OIC/SMIIC 2, including food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other consumer goods that require Halal certification.

  2. International Standards Compliance: The PNAC Halal Accreditation Scheme ensures that accredited certifying bodies comply with international Halal standards, such as those set by the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC) and other relevant international Halal standards.

  3. Rigorous Assessment Process: Accreditation involves a thorough evaluation process, including an assessment of the certifying body’s competence, procedures, and compliance with Halal certification & sharia requirements.

  4. Consistency and Credibility: The scheme provides consistency in Halal certification, enhancing the credibility of Halal products certified by PNAC accredited Halal Certification Bodies.

  5. Global Recognition: As a member of international Halal accreditation networks, such as the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC) and the International Halal Accreditation Forum (IHAF), PNAC ensures that Halal certificates issued by its accredited bodies are recognized and accepted globally.

  6. Consumer Confidence: The PNAC Halal Accreditation Scheme assures consumers that the Halal products they purchase are genuinely compliant with Halal standards, thus providing peace of mind and fostering trust in Halal certifications.

Benefits of the PNAC Halal Accreditation Scheme:

  • Market Access: Products certified under the PNAC Halal Accreditation Scheme gain easier access to both local and international markets that require Halal certification.

  • Enhanced Brand Image: Companies that obtain Halal certification from PNAC accredited bodies can enhance their brand image and appeal to a broader consumer base that values Halal compliance.

  • Quality Assurance: The accreditation scheme ensures high-quality standards in the production and certification processes of Halal products, safeguarding consumer interests.

  • Compliance with Islamic Principles: The scheme ensures that Halal certified products comply with Islamic dietary laws, thus fulfilling the religious requirements of Muslim consumers.

By implementing the Halal Accreditation Scheme, PNAC continues to uphold its commitment to quality, compliance, and consumer trust in Halal products and services, reinforcing Pakistan’s position in the global Halal market.